Natural ways to smile naturally

Muhammad Muzammil
3 min readFeb 19, 2022

Smiling is a universal language, it’s better for your health, and it makes you and those around you happy. So go ahead and make the most of your grin by smiling as much as possible. This article offers lots of good advice for improving your photograph smile, and also includes tips for bringing out your natural smile more often. You’re guaranteed to crack a smile while reading it!

1. Close your eyes and than take a deep breath.

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Calm your mind and reduce stress before smiling for a photo. Smiling on cue, such as for a photograph, can be stressful! Stress about nailing a perfect grin can cause your facial muscles to tense up, leading to a fake or even frightened look. To manage your smile stress, take a moment to close your eyes, relax your muscles, and breathe deeply.[1]

  • Think of it as getting yourself grounded and centered for a great performance, just like a singer, actor, or athlete might do.

2. Loosen up your mouth and your mood with funny faces.

Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

This keeps your facial muscles from tightening up — and may make you laugh! Try opening your eyes and mouth really wide and then closing them several times, or scrunching your face up really tight and then releasing it. Then, do something even sillier like making “motorboat” sounds by flapping your pursed lips while exhaling through them.[2]

  • You’ll get the photographer to laugh, which will make you laugh, and voilà — you’ve got a great natural smile going!

3. Tell jokes along with the photographer.

Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

Hold a joke contest to put everyone in the smiling mood. Tell a quick joke to the photo-taker, then ask them to come back with their own. And don’t feel pressure to come up with great jokes — even if you tell some real groaners, you’ll end up laughing about how bad they were![3][4]

  • This is also a great strategy when you’re trying to take a group photo and are having trouble getting everyone to smile

4. Think of something that makes you happy.

Photo by Paola Aguilar on Unsplash

ick out a happy personal memory or something from pop culture. For example, think of a loved one or particularly happy moment in your life. Or, recall a movie clip, silly song, internet meme, or similar item that always makes you grin. You’ll be hard-pressed not to crack a smile, no matter what situation you’re in![5][6]

  • Visualize the person or event in as much detail as you can. Imagine yourself in that situation or with that person right now. You might even imagine the photographer or the person you’re talking to as your smile-inducing loved one!

5. Try saying “money” instead of “cheese.”

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

smile. As children we’re often taught to say “cheese!” for photos. Actually, though, “cheese” isn’t great for a natural smile. Some photographers prefer words that end in an “ah” sound because they cause your cheekbones to rise slightly. Others say the “ee” sound creates a more natural smile look. Practice in the mirror and see which options work best for you.[7]

  • If you’re taking pictures of someone and are trying to get them to smile, the simple act of surprising them by saying “say moolah” instead of “say cheese” may cause a genuine smile anyway.

I hope you like this natural blog. For more follow me and stay happy. Always smile.

